Our team consists of professionals who have experienced both the corporate life, with more than 35 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE IN LEADING , consulting and transformation, and the sports life, with over 30 years of combined experience as professional athletes and coaching at the top level.

This makes the perfect cocktail to define, together with you, the IDEAL LEADERSHIP STYLE FOR YOUR COMPANY AND THE PLAN TO DEPLOY IT IN THE ORGANISATION .

the face of one of the partners whose name is Kostka Parlade-Galindez

Kostka Parlade – Galindez

The best strategy or development plan will be useless if it’s not run by inspiring leaders who can get the best out of their teams and in the right environment where everyone is ready to step out of the comfort zone, welcomes feedback and embraces new challenges.

the face of one of the partners whose name is Attila Kovacs

Attila Kovacs

True leaders are capable of delivering results by focusing on individual and team development. With that kind of approach, you can create a sustainable human-centric organization where each member is empowered to be involved with it’s mission while inspired by it’s values.